10 Ways To Ruin Your Town
Positive or Negative? Complain or Contribute? In the Game or On the Sidelines? Your choice determines the direction of your town's growth or decline.
David Thornell
8/28/20242 min read
As someone who has an interest in community and economic development, you have certainly learned many positive ways to build a town. Equally important are the many ways-behaviors that citizens should avoid, as they only lead toward ruining a towns growth potential and trajectory, essentially reversing any efforts to build a better stronger community. Below is a list I found in a Nebraska newspaper (many years ago) that expresses the extremely important role that negative attitudes and actions can play regarding community development and economic prosperity. Consider these as ten ways to never-ever choose to act:
1. Attend no meetings. Criticize the way “they” do things.
2. Always remind others about the cold winters, hot summers, and general tough conditions for those who live here.
3. Complain about the local Chamber and Economic Development organization, the Police or Fire Department, the Parks and Rec Department, etc., forgetting that these are here to serve the community.
4. Keep convincing yourself that it’s not important to attend school programs, concerts, ballgames, etc. You won’t be missed.
5. Knock your city and county elected leaders. Talk about how you would do things better- different but do nothing. Surely your idle complaints and constant gripes will help more than giving constructive input.
6. Stay away from church. You might attend on Easter Sunday or Christmas to reassure yourself that all who attend are hypocrites.
7. Make purchases out of town and-or on the Internet. Unlike local businesses, these outside purchases from outside firms contribute nothing to your community, so by all means, support them.
8. Remind others that your local newspaper and other local media (radio-tv) are no good and have less local news than out-of-town media.
9. Remember that all kids are delinquents, all businessmen are crooks, and bad remarks about your town are the order of the day. That’ll fix it.
10. Above all, always be skeptical, cynical, and negative about anything designed for the community’s progress and betterment.
If any of this sounds like your approach, shame on you! It is time to change your tactics that are going nowhere. Make it your personal mission to help build your community, rather than tearing it down. There is no neutral ground—doing nothing is a negative approach. Get involved in a local committee or project that will move any aspect of your community forward. My book, Small Town Solutions (available on Amazon), begins with the words, “What can I do today to make my Town better Tomorrow?” This should be your concern and your ambition, DAILY. Choose constructive, not destructive. Economic success can only be achieved by positive-minded people doing positive things.