It all Comes down to the Details! Know Thyself First, then Tell Others Specifics they Need to Know
Details! Your mission is to share specific information with your prospects about what your community offers to meet their needs. Only by sharing this information can they make an informed decision based on your ability to supply the things on their want list, versus other places with similar offers. To Attract, You HAVE TO BE ATTRACTIVE. When only one place wins, you've got to correctly prepare and package your space to be the winning place.
David Thornell
7/31/20242 min read
DETAILS! In order to engage-reach your target markets, you must make sure that you have what these are seeking, then tell them specifically what these are. If done properly, this awareness leads to interest, then investment, which means establishing a new home or business. For this to work, it first requires KNOWING YOURSELF! That means that early on in your business and resident recruitment efforts you must first learn-know what you have to sell (your strengths) and then direct your efforts to attract those who would find these amenities attractive. Different target groups want to know different details, AND YOU simply want them to know how YOU fit their needs.
You must know these specifics in order to know what to say to each prospect, and in the process you will get to know your strengths and weaknesses better. After all, NO town can be all things to all, so narrow it down, save time and money, while increasing the odds of a win. I cannot overstate what a deep dive self-evaluation will do for you, as you will definitely learn how to streamline your community and economic development efforts.
SO, the goal is to learn about the things that you can and should point out to better position yourself for a win. This would be THE UNIQUE, THE DIFFERENT, THE SPECIAL THINGS ABOUT YOUR TOWN THAT MAKE IT STAND OUT. IF YOU DON’T STAND OUT, YOU BLEND IN.
After all, many communities have similar features and look very much the same. Rural communities especially fall into this lookalike trap, as larger cities will have an icon or landmark that is recognizable in photos.
Ask yourself, what is your identity today? What do I want it to be? What changes need to be made to capture more opportunities and better more active growth that fits our towns true potential?
Mexico just elected a new President who recently released a “100 steps for Transformation" plan for her new administration. What is your Top 5, your 10? What can you do to create and cultivate a positive identity? Once created, how are you gonna tell others about it, so that your target audience knows and appreciates what you have to offer?
This is what leaders do. Leaders set the vision and direction. They set the budget and time frame. They also direct the team as the job is too big for any one person. Make it your daily goal to make your town better tomorrow than it is today. Set your sights high and aim for being "Number 1." It may not be easy. It WILL take time, but it is worth the effort.